Before you can proceed with the download, may we ask you to help us out on a survey for us to better. The antitrafficking in persons act of 2003 and the expanded antitrafficking in persons act of 2012 briefer. It will serve as a handy reference on the salient provisions of the act and the available programs and. Republic act 9208 anti trafficking act in person 2. Le justice and weuare council under the department of justice, appropriating funds therefor am for other purposes be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the philippines in congress assembled.
Antitrafficking in persons act powerpoint presentation. Report republic act no 9653 rent control act 2009 please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. This primer provides concise information about the republic act 9208 or the antitrafficking in persons act of 2003 as amended by the republic act 10364. Llottgrrss of fqr jqhippittrs senate of the philippines.
The antichild pornography act of 2009, ra 9995, otherwise known as the antiphoto and. Republic of the philippines congress of the philippines. Barangay vaw desk handbook pages 101 117 text version. Congress of the philippines metro manila eleventh congress. Implementing rules and regulations of ra 9208 interagency. Magna carta of women university of the philippines. The rules and regulations implementing republic act no.
The primary intended outcome of project lantern, therefore, was to demonstrate the. The antitrafficking in persons act of 2003 and the expanded antitrafficking in persons act of 2012 briefer this briefer is a summary of republic act 9208 as amended by ra 10364 also known as the antitrafficking in persons act of 2003 and the expanded antitrafficking in persons act of 2012. This act shall be known as the antiviolence against women and their children act of 2004. This act s hall be known as the magna carta of w om en.
This act shall be known as the magna carta of women. This primer provides concise information about the republic act 9208 or. Persons act of 2003, and in light of the provisions of r. Republic act 9208 or the antitrafficking in persons act of 2003. Republic act 9208 as amended by ra 10364 the antitrafficking in persons act of 2003, as amended by the expanded antitrafficking in persons act of 2012 department of social welfare and development dswdncr community based services unit legarda, manila tel. Before you can proceed with the download, may we ask you to help us out on a survey for us to better improve our services. Republic act 9208 or the antitrafficking in persons act of 2003, as amended by ra 10364 also known as the expanded antitrafficking in persons act of 2012.
Whereas the congress amended ra 9208 with ra 10364, otherwise q. At is trafficking in persons raffirkjng in persons is on oct ond consiaerea a rights. It is hereby declared to be the policy of this act to promote and. Despite the financial crimp iacat produced a manual on law enforcement and. This act shall be known as the magna carta of public health workers. This act shall be known as the antichild pornography act of 2009. This publications contains the full text of the republic act no. Laws on women philippine commission on women digital library. It is the policy of the philippine government, in line with the principle that a public office is a public trust, to repress certain acts of.
This publication contains the fulltext of the law and. Ra 10364 expanded antitrafficking in persons act of 2012. Description download republic act no 9653 rent control act 2009 comments. Republic acts official gazette of the republic of the. Ra 9298 the philippine accountancy act of 2004 download as word doc.
The antitrafficking in persons act of 2003, republic acts of the philippines r. Only laws passed by the congress of the philippines and other preceding bodies are listed here. It also contains the implementing rules and regulations for this law. The following table lists of philippine laws which have been mentioned in wikipedia, or which are otherwise notable. Fees means either the usual licensing, accreditation and registration charges, or other related regulatory fees such as fees from sale of publications and services including but not limited to. In addition to imprisonment and fine, an offender who is a. This act shall be known as the antibullying act of 20. The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a child for purposes of exploitation shall also be considered as trafficking in persons even if it does not involve any of the means set forth in the preceding paragraph. Republic act 9155 pdf download pursuant to section 14 republic act no. This entry was posted under executive issuances, laws and issuances, republic acts and tagged executive issuances, republic acts, rodrigo roa duterte, the seal of good local governance act of 2019.
Rules and regulations implementing republic act no. Ra 9208 vs ra 10364 anti trafficking of persons republic. It also includes acts of violence againstwomen as defined in republic act no. Under the magnacarta of women, this term is used interchangeably with genderbasedviolence. For purposes of this act, bullying shall refer to any. Ni 9208 kccremnatn19208dsub a national instruments corporationq 2011kdyear 03nmonth 23qdate 8158912 7duololl 7171 it is verified that foregoing equipment has been registered under the clause 3, article 582 of radio waves act. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representative of the philippines in congress assembled. Dear visitor, thank you for visiting the official website of the civil service commission. Republic act 9710 an act p r oviding for the m a g n a c a r t a o f w o m e n b e it enacted by the senate and h ouse of r epresentatives of the p hilippines in c ongress assem bled. Education act of, hereinafter referred to as the act. A republic act is a piece of legislation used to create policy in order to carry out the principles of the constitution. Republic act no 9208 antitrafficking in persons act. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of.
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